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Sermon Series


Joy To Haiti

The Known

Student Ministry

DNOW 2015


More Work...

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A sermon series was my first project. A sermon series can last as short as one Sunday to 9 weeks. A sermon series is promoted and advertised just like an event within the church. The artwork for the sermon series reflects the overall message of the series. 

ACT was a project in which I helped develop the name and the logo during the summer. ACT was a Wednesday series in which the entire church would come together and do a whole group Wednesday night service. ACT was based on the values of the church and teaching the church to act on each value.

Joy To Haiti was the Christmas Project. I was able to develop the name and logo. Joy To Haiti is based off of Operation Christmas Child. Promotional materials were created as well as materials for the packaging of the shoe boxes. This was a great project to be a part of.

The Known is a worship service for women of all ages that comes together one Sunday night each month. The Known already had a design but due to multiple factors a redesign was needed. Many attributes of the old design were translated into the new but now there is a clean design to promote with.

Throughout the church year, there are multiple events that need to be communicated and promoted to church members and community members. This requires creating graphic packages with artwork to distribute onto multi-media systems.

DNOW is a student conference in which over 1200 students and leaders from churches across Hall County come together for one weekend to enjoy worship services and small-group times. This year I had the pleasure of designing the website and creating a welcoming video for the first worship session in which students responding to questions using flashlights.

Not only do I create artwork and promotional materials for the church as a whole but I am able to work within each ministry. Within the student ministry, I create event promotional materials as well as student sermon series artwork.

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